The Sounds of Silence

The days before the actual “first day” of school are the most precious and set the tone for my mental game, as I gear up for the year. The utter silence not only in my room but throughout the hallways, only to be interrupted by teacher chatter, hugs, and rushing feet from one room or meeting to another quietly emulate a natural high as reality has not hit. Kids. Paperwork. Rules. My plans are for obvious perfection and is the bubble of life if only for a fleeting few days. It is then that schedules sound possible, discipline will be a breeze, and dress codes sound reasonable as jean days are put on the chopping block. It’s ok, we should dress up. Then week three hits and it hits hard. Suddenly, the quiet is replaced with chaos because the moving pieces are coming fast. It is a teacher’s life. It is precious but mentally and physically draining on a level few others feel.

My Face is Melting

The advantages to starting school on the first week of August in Arizona are non-existent. Zero. Zilch. Nada. It is hot, humid, and we drip in sweat as most of air conditioning in our building is a tad on the older side. So I melt. I am assigned to a pony and little to noContinue reading “My Face is Melting”

Safety Patrol

School safety. We have become a profession ruled by crazies who have taken unnecessary lives for no reason, other than sheer insanity. It is sad. This year I have taken it a step further for class safety. For kids that get ill or let’s face it, I am fifty-nine, for me and my health. IContinue reading “Safety Patrol”

The Room…

Classroom decor has had a boom in recent years. It now holds its own on the ever popular sites of Pinterest, Etsy, and TpT teacher stores. Teachers have created niche markets for all sorts of subsets of decorating. Many sell labels, lettering patterns, border patterns, organizational cuteness, and my favorite, the daily premade design slides,Continue reading “The Room…”

Welcome To Mrs. Livingston’s World!

This is a site dedicated to teachers who want a laugh or two as they follow my year as a middle school teacher. No names. Just stories. For reference, I am on a few outside sites but do not have time to truly pursue any additional income or interests because I teach. However, you mayContinue reading “Welcome To Mrs. Livingston’s World!”